Creating an Additional CheckLight User Account
Your CheckLight account provides you access to the CheckLight dashboard where you can view and manage all your devices through the Internet.
To create a new user account:
- Click on your user name/email at the upper right of the dashboard then choose Settings.
2. From the Settings view, select the User Management section. Click on the Add User button.
3. Enter the required details on the Account section fields. Choose the type of user account you want to create, from the Permissions section:
A user can have one of the following two access levels:
- Admin users will have all permissions enabled, including: creating other users, change detection settings, add devices, change notifications, etc.
- Standard users will be able to view the dashboard, devices, threats, reports, help but they will not be allowed to perform action like: add devices, create support tickets, change user settings, create other users. They will only be permitted to change the notifications for their account.
Once the form is completed and an access level is set, click on Create User.
4. You will receive a confirmation email from
5. Open the Welcome to Checklight! email and click on the Activate Account button.
6. Enter the required details on the fields. Once the form is completed, click on Next Step.
Note: Click on the drop-down arrow from the Phone Number field to choose the telephone country code for your phone number, then insert your correct telephone number in the Phone Number field.
7. A new user is now created! To log in to CheckLight with your new user account follow the steps provided in the Logging In section.